Don't Give Up on The Provisions

Life's revelations can stop you dead in your tracks and make you go hmm. This has happened to me many times and today is no different. God has promised me many things along my journey. He has told me that I will UPlift people near and far, he has shared that I will always have everything I need and some to share with others in need and he has also shared with me that I will marry my soul partner. I believe all this will happen and if it were not true he would not have told me so.
However, during our journey of reaching higher heights it's evident that we must go through the process to get to the provisions. Many of us don't want the process we only want the provisions. I am here to remind you that process equates to provisions and we can't have one without the other. The great thing about the process is it trains us for what God has promised. Look at it this way friend, you had to go through the cow dung to be qualified for this next dimension. I can't UPlift anyone if I have never been down. I can't tell others how to live in abundance if I continue to carry the bags from my past into my present polluting my future.
Keys to remember about the process:
*It is refining
*It is strengthening
*It won't feel good, but it will work out for your good (Romans 8:28)
*Your provisions are on the other side of it
Don't become a victim to self defeat and don't allow him, her or them to make you quit on what has been promised to you. If you can survive the process, then you will have your provisions. Thank God for peace, joy, life, love and healing. Never be afraid to move forward in areas God has ordained you to release the reins, so that he can navigate you to the provisional promises. -J.R.
Principle: Don't speak defeat and expect success